Chemistry Net: 02/01/2015 - 03/01/2015

Polyprotic Acids / pH Calculation

Polyprotic Acids / pH Calculation

A large number of acids can give two or more protons on ionization (dissociation) and these are referred to as polyprotic acids. For example, with sulfurous acid (H2SO3) we have the successive ionizations:

Fig. I.1: Stepwise dissociation of sulphurous acid (H2SO3)

Fig. I.1: Stepwise dissociation of sulphurous acid (H2SO3)

A polyprotic acid always dissociates in a stepwise manner, one proton at a time. Note that the acid dissociation constants are labelled ka1 and ka2. The numbers on the constants refer to the particular proton of the acid that is ionizing. Thus, ka1 always refers to the equilibrium involving removal of the first proton of a polyprotic acid. Note also that ka2 for sulfurous acid is much smaller than ka1. This can be explained by the fact that the second H+ has to leave from a negatively charged species, HSO3- - electrostatic attraction has to be overcomed – while the first H+ from a neutral compound H2SO3.

The above observation is general: It is always easier to remove the first proton from a polyprotic acid than to remove the second and so on. The ka values become successively smaller as successive protons are removed.

The acid dissociation constants for common polyprotic acids are given in Table I.1
Table I.1: Stepwise dissociation constants for several common polyprotic acids

Table I.1: Stepwise dissociation constants for several common polyprotic acids

Polyprotic Acids and Ionic Equilibria  

Depending on the pH of the solution, a polyprotic acid may exist predominantly as the undissociated acid or any one of its anionic forms. It is easy to calculate the fraction present of the species involved in the equilibrium as a function of [H+].
 As an example let us calculate the fraction of phosphoric acid present as a function of the pH. Phosphoric acid is typical of most weak polyprotic acids in that its successive ka values are very different.

Stepwise dissociation of phosphoric acid
Fig. I.1: Stepwise dissociation of phosphoric acid

Solving Weak Acid and Weak Base pH problems

Solving Weak Acid and Weak Base pH problems

Solving Weak Acid and Weak Base pH problems

Fig. I.1: Flowchart showing how to calculate the pH of a weak acid solution
Fig. I.1: Calculating the pH of a weak acid
In a previous post entitled “Weak Acids and Bases – Calculate the pH of a weak acid” a general equation was derived for the calculation of [H+] in weak acid (base) solutions (mathematical approach).  A four-step method was also proposed for solving weak acid base problems and for the calculation of the pH of a weak acid or base (chemical approach) (Fig. I.1).
Some extra solved examples on weak acid (base) chemistry are shown below. The “chemical approach” method is used for the solution.


Example I.1

What the concentration of an acidic solution ΗΑ must be so that 
 [H+]= 3.5 * 10-4 M (ka =1,7 * 10-5)



[H+]= 3.5 * 10-4 M
ka =1.7 * 10-5
[HΑ] = ;


HA is a weak acid as the ka value shows.
Write the ionization equilibrium reaction:
          HΑ         Η+    +   Α-            (1)   



Write down the equilibrium constant expression and the equilibrium constant:

ka =  +] . [A-] / [HA] = 1.7 * 10-5   (2)


Let us suppose that y M is the initial concentration of HA. Then the equilibrium concentrations of the species involved are as follows:

y Μ
0 Μ
0 Μ
-3.5 * 10-4 
+3.5 * 10-4 
+3.5 * 10-4 
(at equilibrium)
(y – 3.5 * 10-4)
3.5 * 10-4 
3.5 * 10-4 


From (2) and the equilibrium concentrations from the above table:
ka = [Η+] . [A-] / [HA] = (3.5 * 10-4)2  / (y-3.5 * 10-4)  = 1.7 * 10-5   
and y = 7.2 * 10-3 M   
Therefore  [HΑ] = 7.2 * 10-3 M  


Example I.2

A weak acid solution is prepared by dissolving 8.3 * 10-1 g of HA in water. The final volume of the solution is measured to be 100 ml. What is the equilibrium concentration of the species involved? (kΗΑ = 1.8 * 10-4, ΜΒΗΑ = 46 g/mol).



 mHA = 8.3 * 10-1 g
VΔ = 100 ml
kHA = 1.8 * 10-4
ΜΒΗΑ = 46 g/mol
[HΑ] = ?  +] = ? 
[A-] = ?


HA is a weak acid as we can see from kHA. Therefore, it dissociates partially in water.
Write the ionization equilibrium reaction:
          HΑ         Η+    +   Α-            (1)   

Calculate the moles of  ΗΑ in solution: 
nHA = 8.3 * 10-1 g /46 g/mol  = 1.8 * 10-2 mol

The initial concentration of ΗΑ is calculated as follows: 
      100 ml solution  contain  1,8 . 10-2 mol ΗΑ
     1000 ml solution contain      y = ; mol ΗΑ 
y = [HΑ]initial =1.8 * 10-1 mol/ℓ   (2)


Write down the equilibrium constant expression and the equilibrium constant:

kHA =  +] . [A-] / [HA] = 1,8 . 10-4   (3)


Let us suppose that x moles ΗΑ dissociate. The equilibrium concentration of the species involved is given below:

0.18 Μ
-x M
+x M
+x M
Final (at equilibrium)
(στην χημ. ισορρ.)
(0.18-x) M
+x M
+x M


From (3) and the equilibrium concentrations of the species involved:
ka =  [Η+] . [A-] / [HA] = (x)2 / (0,18-x ) = 1.8 * 10-4  
  (x)2 /0.18 = 1.8 * 10-4 
x = 5.7 * 10-3 M  (4)  (assuming that 0,18-x ≈ 0,18 since ΗΑ is a weak acid and it partially dissociates in water. Therefore the value of x will be small compared to the initial concentration of ΗΑ)

Checking for the validity of the above approximation: If the value of x is less than 5% of the initial concentration of HA the approximation 0,18-x ≈ 0,18 is valid.

5.7 * 10-3 * 100 / 0.18  = 3.2%

Example I.3

The ionization constant of NH3 in water is 10-5. Calculate the following for a 0.1     M NH3 solution: a) the degree of dissociation α  b) the concentration of [OH-] in solution



kb = 10-5
[ΝΗ3] = 0.1 M
α = ?  [ΟΗ-] = ?

ΝΗ3 is a weak base as the value of kb shows. Therefore, it dissociates partially in water according to:

H2O   +      ΝΗ3           ΝΗ4+    +    ΟΗ-   (1)

Let us suppose that α is the degree of dissociation of ΝΗ3 in water. Therefore:
α = moles ΝΗ3 that dissociate / total moles ΝΗ3
Therefore moles ΝΗ3 that dissociate = 0.1 * α    (2)

Write down the equilibrium constant expression and the equilibrium constant:

kb =  [NΗ4+] . [OH-] / [NH3] = 10-5   (3)


The equilibrium concentration of the species involved is given below:

0.1 Μ
(0.1-0.1α)  M
+0.1 * α M
+0.1 * α M
(at equilibrium)
0.1 * (1-α) M
0.1 * α M
+0.1 * α M

From (3) and the above equilibrium concentrations of the species involved:
Kb = (0.1 * α). (0.1 * α) / 0.1 * (1-α) = 10-5 = 0.01 * α2 / 0.1 = 10-5  
Therefore,  α = 0,01 (4) 
Assuming that (1-α) ≈ 1 since the value of α is small compared to [ΝΗ3] = 0.1 M   

Therefore [OH-] = 0.1 *α = 0.1 * 0.01 = 10-3 M

Therefore  α = 0.01 and [OH-] = 10-3 M


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